Haunted Hospital
The haunted hospital was a Trick or Treating thing put on by Jason's work. Their office buildings are in what use to be a hospital. They decorated and let the kids trick or treat. The kids really did have a lot of fun doing this. However, I am determined to volunteer next year, because these people need some serious help with planning. It was not done especially well, the "scary" floor was a couple of strobe lights and some cob webs. Okay, maybe it was a little better than that, but not much. Still, like I said, the kids had a lot of fun and came home with candy for us to steal, I mean for them to eat. There was actually no place for us to end up with pictures there, but I took some before we left.
Jacob is Mr. Incredible for Halloween this year. His choice, not our first pick. Apparently when in costume he must show off his muscles. Did I mention this brave super hero held his sisters hand so she could guide him through the scary parts of the hospital? The 2 year old protected the 5 year old.
Elizabeth was a little sleepy, having to get up early from nap to go to this. She was not in a great mood for pictures.