Today's Forecast
The meteorologists really missed the boat with this one. They make such a big deal out of predicting the snow storms and rain, but they completely missed today's weather. Today's weather included 2 to 3 inches of leaves in a three hour period of time. Between 8am and 11am we had three inches of leaves fall. At one point, looking out the window, I could not see the road. That is not including the fact that the road was covered in leaves, that is simply because in the blizzard of leaves it became impossible to see. Jason spent an hour and a half raking. Later Jason, Evy, Jacob, and I spent another hour and a half bagging.
For the before picture we are actually using the guy across the street. His yard was not as bad as ours, because his tree is smaller. We didn't think to take a before picture, but basically you could see no green, and we lost our driveway.
Here are the after pictures, but believe me, it doesn't look like that anymore.
This may not seem that impressive, but what you are looking at is 15 thirty gallon bags of leaves. That is 8ft long by 4ft tall. We are preparing our fort for the snow ball fights early this year.
Today's weather has been brought to you by, rakes and garbage bags, the first name in poor people's leaf disposal.