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Here are two videos from today one just before the cake and

one after they were starting to eat.

(Right click on the video links and choose "save as", then remember to choose some place on your computer where you will know how to find the video. Note: This will not work if you do not have Quick Time to view this. If it doesn't work, please call us.)

Video 1

         Video 2              


These next pictures would do well to be labeled the aftermath,

because they deal directly with the mess made.  Believe me, her clothes are

going straight to the washing  machine with a good deal of stain stuff. 









The kids ended their day with a bath and are now laying in bed

 watching Cinderella.  Though simple, the kids had lots of fun and they

thought it was special.


One more picture, apparently the kids weren't the only ones to enjoy the day,

 Jason snapped this picture while the kids were in the tub.


July page