Sir Jacob's First Sword Lesson

Jake has been watching TV with mommy and daddy. 

Something sure to have influenced his choice in toys. 

He spent most of the morning talking about knights

and wanting to ride his horse (a hobby horse that is

 usually the source of disagreements between the two little people).

  Before the day was over he ended up with a sword and

 she ended up with her own hobby horse (a unicorn of course).

 Yes, I know, they are spoilt, but it made for a fun day.

  All that said, I think Jacob's favorite part of the day

 came after Elizabeth went to bed when he

 got over an hour of sword play with his dad.

  Here are a few pictures and video,

 you only have to look at his smile to know

 how much fun he was having.     







You know things are getting serious when we

 have to move the furniture.



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