School 3






We won't know if the experiment is working until the end of the year, but this much is known now.  Both kids love this school.  Jake continually asks to go to the classroom and have school.  When leaving the zoo on Thursday, he was upset and started to throw a fit.  I calmly told him if he was going to act like a baby then he couldn't be a big boy and go to school.  He straightened up and walked calmly out of the zoo.  The second he got into the house he went straight upstairs to his classroom.  That excitement may not last, but for now it sure is fun.

Here are some videos taken this week

The first two videos are of Jacob reading words.  You can tell by the end he is ready to quit, but we had been doing it a while before I thought to pick up the camera with one hand.  Pardon the shakes and Miss Elizabeth being so loud.  Apparently the class was larger than I knew, I had to ask questions to Jacob, Buzz Light Year, and Puppy.  It made for some confusion, but Jacob was really excited

Reading 1

Reading 2

The last video was at the beginning of the day, when Jacob did the pledge.

Pledge of Allegiance


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